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5 Benefits Of Going to a Lotus Salon & Spa

5 Benefits Of Going to a Lotus Salon & Spa for Hair Treatments! (H1 Tag)

Haven’t we all heard that if the foundation is not strong the building won’t stand for long? It’s no different for our hair. If hair roots are weak, It is important to moisturize hair roots. And this is exactly what a hair spa is designed to do – nourish the hair roots and follicles, and revitalize the scalp.

1. Strengthens Hair Roots & Follicles (H2 Tags)

Haven’t we all heard that if the foundation is not strong the building won’t stand for long? It’s no different for our hair. If hair roots are weak, hair fall is the likely consequence, along with dull and under-nourished hair. It is important to moisturize hair roots and follicles. And this is exactly what a hair spa is designed to do – nourish the hair roots and follicles, and revitalize the scalp.

2. It Controls Oil Production in the Scalp(H2 Tags)

When the sebaceous glands in the scalp secrete too many natural oils it leads to pores clogged with dead cells, dust, and dirt. On the opposite end of the spectrum is a dry scalp that comes with its own set of problems such as dandruff, itchiness, dull hair, etc. This is why you need a regular hair spa from Lotus Salon & Spa. Our professionals give you the best treatment and our hair spa therapy works wonders when treating greasy hair and thereby reducing hair fall to a great extent.

3. Stimulates Blood Circulation in the Scalp(H2 Tags)

Head massage, which is part of hair spa therapy, improves blood circulation in the scalp. Blood carries nutrients to your scalp to help keep it healthy and promote hair growth. It also enables hair follicles to receive more oxygen and nutrients via blood, thus revitalizing the scalp and improving hair growth

4. Removes Impurities Inside Pores & Repairs Damaged Hair(H2 Tags)

Hair spa should be a part of your hair growth therapy routine if it isn’t already. In Lotus Salon & Spa our process removes all dirt, pollutants, and contaminants from the pores. Once your scalp is rid of such impurities, your hair growth gets a stimulus. Hair spa is a procedure that helps make hair strong, bouncy, and shiny, while simultaneously dealing with dandruff, damaged hair, and hair fall control.

5. It Reduces Stress(H2 Tags)

The advantages of Lotus Salon & Spa are numerous, given the multi-step hair spa treatment. You feel relaxed and at once at peace. The head massage and hair wash leave you feeling refreshed and rejuvenated. Another benefit of this stress relief is that you start feeling more focused and are able to perform better and improve productivity.